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Get verified WhatsApp business account in 7 days with Yellow Messenger - WhatsApp's Official  Partner.


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WhatsApp Chatbot for Business

Trusted by 200+ enterprises, globally

Enterprise that use WhatsApp Chatbot experience: 


Increase in delivery, open and conversion rate


Increase in customer engagement


Increase in



Go from zero to hundred in a second with pre-trained chatbots ready to connect and engage with your customers.


Get an omnichannel, multilingual chatbot that can    be used on your website, mobile app, Messenger, WhatsApp and more.

Why Yellow Messenger?

Many enterprises leverage Yellow Messenger's 

WhatsApp Chatbot to improve Customer Experience

Using the AI chatbot improved Sarayubox's customer experience and CSAT increased by 45%

Automation of Customer Support and promotion for Domino’s in India

4.5 million consumer messages sent. 1100 Plus simultaneous conversations handled every second

Get an unfair advantage over your competitors 

with your enterprise's WhatsApp Chatbot

Get Free Chatbot

- Pre-Trained Chatbots

- Deliver Personalised Chat

- Get Started in 7 days

Request Demo
Automate sales and marketing with WHatsApp chatbot

Automate Sales  & Marketing

There's no better way to engage with prospects and customers than connecting with them on WhatsApp. Engage where your customers are.

  • Aid product discovery
  • Send notifications and updates
  • Intelligently up-sell and cross-sell 
  • Improve shopping cart recovery
  • Engage leads from Google and FB ads

Automate customer service with WhatsApp chatbot

Automate Customer Service

Customers world over are preferring to chat with a virtual assistant to get their queries resolved faster. And WhatsApp is the most preferred mode of conversations with friends and businesses alike. Support your customers where they are.

  • Offer on-demand 24/7 customer support
  • Send service alerts and updates
  • Improve CSAT while reducing overhead cost

Provide a fully-automated sales & support to your customers with Yellow Messenger's conversational AI WhatsApp chatbot.