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AI-powered chatbot free for 3 months

Trusted by 500+ enterprises, globally

Enterprise that use our chatbot experience: 


Increase in delivery, open and conversion rate


Increase in customer engagement


Increase in


Choose any one channel & language to deploy your bot from our many options

Why get a chatbot?

Many enterprises leverage Yellow Messenger's 

WhatsApp Chatbot to improve Customer Experience

Using the AI chatbot improved Sarayubox's customer experience and CSAT increased by 45%

Automation of Customer Support and promotion for Domino’s in India

4.5 million consumer messages sent. 1100 Plus simultaneous conversations handled every second

Get an unfair advantage over your competitors 

with your enterprise's Chatbot

Get Free Chatbot
Get Free Chatbot
Automate sales and marketing with WHatsApp chatbot

Automate Sales  & Marketing

Talk to customers wherever they are; WhatsApp, FB Messenger or your website.

- Aid product discovery

- Send notifications and updates

- Intelligently up-sell and cross-sell 

- Improve shopping cart recovery

- Engage leads from Google and FB ads

Automate customer service with WhatsApp chatbot

Automate Customer Service

Support your customers, real-time. People today expect rapid resolutions as compared to the traditional ticketing method that would take days!

- Offer on-demand 24/7 customer support

- Send service alerts and updates

- Improve CSAT while reducing overhead cost

Unlimited chats, agent transfers & notifications on any 1 channel, in any 1 language.

Enjoy unlimited two-way chats & help-desk agent transfers

Sign up before 25th December to avail.

We're offering Techsparks participants a chatbot that allows you to do the following